Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Boys are Back in Town... The Boys are Back in Town...

I mentioned earlier that "the students" have begun their arrival.

(And by "the students," I meant the University of Georgia college crowd.)

Having grown up in a college town, I have come to appreciate the summers 'round these parts. As much as I love the changes in seasons - particularly the cool-weather seasons - I somehow LOATHE the month of August, because when students get to town...

1. The wait at the local restaurant goes from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

2. I have to leave my house a good 20 minutes earlier to get anywhere because there are 50 ka-jillion more cars on the road.

3. Instead of enjoying a Friday night stroll downtown with my hubby, I avoid it like the plague because, ya'll, it stinks like B.O. and beer! (And, seriously, I don't want my husband around the short skirts and halter tops who are waiting for a seat in the bars.)

4. Going grocery shopping at midnight (the time I love because I'm the ONLY one in the store) is suddenly just as difficult as at 5:15pm. And finally...

5. The line at Starbucks. 'nough said.

However, with this arrival of the masses, there come a few, more positive, changes...

1. There's ALWAYS something to do. UGA provides lots of art festivals, concerts, plays, inter mural sports... all of which are completely halted during the summer.

2. Classes start back. And as much as I complain about the homework, reading, papers, etc. I do LOVE being a part of that campus.

3. Friends. While the Massive Student Exodus at the end of May allows us Native Athenians to breathe a collective sigh of relief, it also means saying goodbye to any college buds who go home for the summer. Welcome back, ya'll, welcome back!

4. Stimulating conversation becomes an every-day activity. And while I love the whole "This color is BWUE" conversation that I have with my almost-2-year-old all summer, I have come to appreciate the coffee shop discussions on the Middle East, the environment, the elections, and (of course) the best kind of coffee.

5. Game Day!!! (Goooo DAWG, sic'em! woo hooo hoo hooo.) This point should (and probably will) allow for an entire entry unto itself. Because, even though Game Day traffic is H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks, there is an electricity in the air as I drive down the road and see EV.ER.Y.ONE in the city wearing their Red 'n' Black. The entire town smells of hamburgers and Bar-B-Q (traditional tailgating foods), and the voice of Larry Munson (the native Bulldogs sportscaster) carries on the breeze.

And so, as the summer comes to an end (even if the heat continues) and the students start getting settled into their respective dorms and apartments, I find this change a little bittersweet.

I'm sure some of you moms out there feel the same way... though it may be for very different reasons.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about the fall (and about the beginning of school)?

1 comment:

Debbie C. said...

Favorite thing: definitely the cooler weather and the routine that comes with school starting up

Least favorite: Traffic in Athens during football games

The Quote That Started It All...

I myself have twelve hats, each one representing a different personality. Why be just yourself? - Margaret Atwood